Leadership Development and Individual Coaching through Business-based Learning

We are a training and coaching firm specializing in leadership competency development, promotable talent training, and 1:1 leadership coaching. We deliver services across the Globe.
What do we do?
We design and deliver innovative, relevant and purposeful leadership development experiences focused on your organization’s desired outcomes. Our leadership development trainings range from one day to four days. Our 1:1 leadership coaching engagements range from nine months to one year.
We invigorate performance training and coaching. We believe leadership development, team development and executive coaching should purposefully link to your company’s results; not an exercise in throwing ideas against the wall to see what sticks or what results the development experience might produce. If you aren’t clear on your training’s desired outcomes and content that’s fine—we enjoy helping our clients gain clarity.
Leadership training programs and one-to-one coaching are rarely ends in themselves; they typically serve a larger, results-oriented purpose. Yes, training—similar to the fishing pictures above—can be fun, even constructive, as a standalone activity. But, shouldn’t your training investments be measured by the results they generate? How effectively are your current training initiatives achieving the results you intend?
Whom do we work with?
We work with a broad range of businesses of varying sizes and services. Some of our clients include Abbott, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Intermountain Healthcare, and Eramet SA. Our consultants and trainers are accomplished scholar-practitioners with backgrounds in business, education and management.