Sometimes, the best coach is the one who stands next to you.
“You, your leaders and your investors are interested in learning only insofar as it improves performance and gets business results.” Michael Dulworth & Frank Bordonaro
“Management shouldn’t buy courses; they should buy the expectation of improved performance.” Calhoun Wick & Roy Pollock
“The major challenge faced by managers is not understanding the practice of leadership. It is practicing their understanding of leadership.” Marshall Goldsmith
“Leaders who don’t follow-up, don’t improve.” Marshall Goldsmith
“Coaching is something we do with people, not to people.” Ken Blanchard
"It's the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth." Sarah Dressen
“Your job is to get them better. Holding people accountable to high standards and results is nothing to apologize for. Failing to stretch them to their potential is.” Dave Anderson,
No-Nonsense Leadership
Favorite Leadership, Team and Human Performance Quotes
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” — Aristotle
"We engaged Tom Ori and his NLP team to design and deliver our first leadership development program for high potential candidates. NLP effectively begins the design process with the end in mind – what specific competencies are we trying to improve and what does success look like in behavioral terms? The various learning activities were compelling and engaging, designed to reinforce learning objec..."
Bob Jordan
Vice President of Human Resources
Pinnacle Agriculture
"Next Level Performance, led by Tom Ori, is a high caliber leadership, coaching, training & development organization which goes above and beyond to tailor its professional development to the individual needs of the client. I have been working with Tom and his staff for over a decade on a variety of leadership, coaching and developmental programs, and his company has consistently delivered big r..."
Patrick Reid
Senior Regional Business Director
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
"I have engaged Tom and Next Level Performance on several occasions over the past 15 years. In each instance, that investment of both personal and organizational time was returned several-fold in the form of pragmatic, genuine and focused recommendations and highly effective interventions. If you're seeking a customized approach to driving change within your organization, Tom and his coll..."
Alan May
Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
"Rarely do the lessons of external partners become as ingrained in the
practices and culture of a business as much as I have seen ours influenced
by Tom Ori and Next Level Performance. Next Level has taught and advised
our new and tenured leaders about strategy, execution and coaching in ways
that I now see reflected consistently in challenging situations that were at
one time significant obst..."
Greg Reilly
Regional Business Director
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals
"I am the CEO of a medium-size, multi-national raw materials company. My company had been adversely affected by market conditions as well as internal difficulties. I hired Next Level Performance to help the executive leadership team and me in a solutions brainstorming and path-forward session. The purpose was to be able to identify a new business model that would speed up the turnaround of the comp..."
International Industrial Materials and Chemical Company
"Next Level Performance did what their name says: the customized Project Leadership Development program we did with them has taken our team to the next level. The NLP team was very involved and great to work in each phase of our training – from design, to implementation and follow up. There was a great balance of their multi-company and industry experience with the issues we faced and were trying..."
Neil DeStefano
Director of Business and Product Development
FMC Corporation
"I am a Pharmaceutical Executive and have worked with Tom and his teams over the past 17 years in many capacities. Tom was first instrumental in helping me build myself as a leader and assisting me understand where I needed to focus my efforts in expanding my strengths and more importantly, identifying my blind spots. He is an ardent supporter of continuing personal development and has shown me, as..."
Name withheld because company does not permit leaders to publicly endorse vendor-partners
Senior Vice President, Marketing
Fortune 100 Pharmaceutical Company
"Having worked with Tom and NLP for about a dozen years now, I have countless examples of why I continue to recommend NLP to any organization that might benefit from 1:1 executive coaching or organizational development activities. Some of the most honest and direct discussions I have been a part of have been facilitated by NLP. They have a unique way of blending extreme professionalism and competen..."
Chris Cool
Vice President, Human Resources
Eramet Comilog, SA
"As a newer sales leader in my organization, I know theLeadership Check-Up™ occurred at an ideal time with an ideal partner in Next Level Performance. Because the team at Next Level worked closely with me to target specific behaviors on which I wanted feedback, the personalized suggestions for moving forward we..."
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”
popularized during Mark Fields tenure at Ford Motor.
The objective is not to get to the summit…the objective is to get to the car.
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” — Aristotle
Love the Aristotle quote…!!!
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